Club Kit
Sponsor: Pinergy
New Kit 2025

Ordering Club Kit
This is done via the gobik store which is opened periodically.
Club Discount for Youths
Please contact the Youth Rep for further details on how to claim this discount.
Kit Crash Replacement
Orwell introduced this to help offset what can be an expensive part of cycling - crashing. If you contact the kit rep for more information you may be able to avail of a discount of up to 50% on replacement kit. This incentive is designed to compensate regular and active members of the club.
The following conditions must be satisfied by the member at the time of the crash:
Riders must be a current Orwell member with fees paid in full.
The member must be known to the committee, or vouched for.
Members should be regularly seen at races or events in Orwell colours.
Members must be in good standing with the club and committee.
The crash must occur during an endorsed event, which includes:
A CI or UCI endorsed race.
A CI or UCI endorsed leisure event.
A club organised event, including the regular winter Sunday spins.
Other events as the committee sees fit.
Members are covered during spins from when the spin leaves its meeting point until the group disperses (there are less than 3 people).
Not included are Informal spins among members.
Members are eligible for one crash replacement only per calendar year.
If more than one item is damaged in a single crash, they are all valid for replacement
The discount is limited to jerseys, shorts and skinsuits
Discount can only be used on the same type of kit - e.g. you cannot shred a jersey and use the discount on a skinsuit.
The crashed kit must be the current design, you cannot trade an old design for new.
Kit should be submitted to the committee for inspection at the next (usually monthly) meeting, along with the details of the crash. Damage must be irreparable, a small tear in an unobtrusive spot will not warrant a discount. The committee's decision is final.
If all the conditions are satisfied, members can avail of a discount of up to 50% on replacement item(s). Members must pay in full and will then be reimbursed on production of the receipt.
Older Club Kit
Previous jerseys

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